Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Eye Candy Maps
Paws, part of the Collars dev team, has been working herself to the bone for the past few days with all the map files for the game. Now, I am fairly decent at a few things concerning the game...Mapping is NOT one of these things.
Here are some of the remodeled maps to look at~

Nearly ALL the map files have been enhanced or completely redone to look way better. There have also been some new maps added and even a few sidequests. Paws has done an awesome job on these, so please show your appreciation~
The only set back that might happen is some errors with aligning events or portal connections. I will try to set these up as well as I can to fit each other in the 1.6 release. I am working on adding the 2nd dinner orgy before releasing it.
Monday, December 8, 2014
All Aboard the Feels Train
I just wanted to actually take time out of my day to make this post. I started Collars over a year ago as a second rpg maker project, I was pretty much toying around with making a more sexual game than my first one. Honestly, I didn't expect to actually take the project too far, and for a while I gave up on it. Like most big ideas that I come up with for drawings, comics or other projects...They all end up the same: canceled. Forever put aside as a memory. It took convincing from friends who I let test what little I had at that point to get me to continue. I had thought about posting it to the LOK forums at one point, but brushed it off in the fear that it would just be another dead beta after a while.
The game didn't have much, in any department really...It was just a few conversations, and 2 or 3 sex scenes...I wasn't even sure if anybody would want to play it. Yet, despite my doubts and pessimistic opinions, I posted the first demo on April 25, 2014. I didn't think it was any good compared to other games up there in the non-flash category, but pretty soon I got responses from you guys. You guys actually enjoyed the game, and wanted to see more of it. I was surprised. Why my game, though? I'm sure there are other ones that are better in story, art, scripting....I was just so set back from the positive response from my first release, I was not expecting it. Everyone was helpful, letting me know right away what bugs they had encountered, suggestions for enhancing the game...
You guys really don't know how your feedback has helped the game. Really, if it wasn't for all of it, I might have scrapped Collars a while ago and done something else. Knowing that other players genuinely enjoy the game, it has actually become a bit fun to work on it. You could even say that it has been making me happy to work on it, even though it is a lot of time and work to put into everything. I always see new projects on the forums, good ones. Ones that I liked playing, and got curious about seeing what would be put into the next release....And then ended up abandoned. It really does make me sad, and Collars could have been that way.
I guess what I am really trying to say is that games like these depend on the players. They depend on your reviews, how much you really like the concept and game-play. But more importantly, it's because of you that the developers want to continue making the game. It really gives them a reason to boot everything up and get to work on the next update. Or, at least that's what it does to me...Even though I don't have a massive fan base, I still have a fan base, and that's all it takes for me to wake up and WANT to make progress.
In summary, I would like to say thank you to everyone who played any version of my game. Thank you for giving it a chance, and thank you for helping me get to this point with it.
And I know it's early, and they won't be in the game for a while, but as an earlier X-mas present from Nekomatic:
It's Tomoko and Verdona, in their casual outfits. I will add the ones for Misaki, Elliot and Izu up when they are finished.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
[Insert sexy puns/play on words]
Another preview after the horrid black friday evilness has passed. I could make a joke about how Izuna is having her juicy meat injected with flavor juices, or getting basted...Eh. I'll leave it up to you. Just enjoy your sneak peek of the scene.
![]() |
Next, we add the stuffing... |
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Public scenes
As usual, I am just letting you all know I still exist and am progressing on the game. The 3 main scenes with my focus of now consist of a public scene with Miko where you tease her with an egg vibrator, and a scene where Elle bangs futa Izuna during her shift. Also, an Astaroth x Izuna scene for the demon company.
Enjoy the previews.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Previews and Other Goodies.
I am pretty much doing profile edits and additions as of now, since Elle has been the main receiver for most of them. So far, there are 3 drafted 'feral' forms for penis sizes, leaving only Izuna, Tenshi and Vlad to be designed. Eh, anyway, seeing as how I already have a bunch of content made that hasn't been on display yet, here is some of it.
So, here are the feral cocks...

A proposed version of Miko's collared attire.
Some bust edits for Miko in progress.

A map of the woodlands that you may/may not have seen in the game. [Inaccessible unless you cheat.]
Expect future monster encounters to include kitsunes, wolves, dragons [further up the map], and others soon to be planned.
Some old outfits drafted for a specific cut scene at LnL
An alternate outfit for Vladimir, also for a future cut scene.
And an encounter being worked on for Sinfully Good.
Also, some sketches for sub-npcs or just scenes that I am unsure about putting in now. These include designs for Izu [male Izuna] Eve [Sinfully Good demon], and Catia [pornstar mentioned]. There is a handcuff scene with Elle that I don't know what to do with now, and a walk-in scene on Miko gratifying herself that I also am unsure how to use now.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Cat Futas? Cat Futas.
Given away by the title, I am redesigning the current futanari system. So far, there is only a small system for Izuna [player] and Elle...I have had some second thoughts concerning the way they came out, and am going by the 1-3 size scale that I had planned for the future. Males and Futas will have the option to change between 3 regular genitalia sizes, and a feral one.
The feral form can't be accessed the same way as the more 'human' sizes, but is a separate consumable by itself. Neko characters will get barbed cocks, wolf ones knotted, etc. I figured since there are some more beast/monster scenes planned for the future, it would be a nice excuse to practice anthro anatomy a little more. Obviously, this will only affect npcs that have cocks, similar to the breast system applying only to females/futas. Have a preview of what the feral cocks look like for futa Elle and futa Miko.
[Note: Feral sizes are as big as they get for npcs...]
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Oral Sketches and Progress
With some new npc scenes added in, I am trying to add in some job related sex scenes, mainly the guild and hospital for now [ SG scenes require some extra work so far ] to even out where all the new content is going.
As well as other sketches [which may include handcuffs, rope and creampies...] there are some sketches for blowjobs that are fresh from the drawing pile. Have a peek~
- Izuna and random penis
- Walk in scene on random nurse.
- Izuna and Elle sharing a meal.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
5 Down, X more to go
Ah, I managed to squeeze in a total of 3 npc H scenes...a total of 5 sex scene outcomes so far [3 vaginal, 1 futa-group scene, 1 footjob] ...But it isn't enough yet.
Along with this, we have yet another exciting announcement...Collars will have better music! Yep, music composed and created by Xit3 [ you can sample his tracks here~ ]
This may include better start screen music, background music for maps, and explorable area music. Maybe more.
Aaaaaaand...This may/may not be in the update, but have a glimpse into the beginning of the next orgy dinner.
Whaaat? Miko isn't behind this one? Hmm....How will this one end, I wonder...?
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Birthday pr0nz and lycanthropy!
Since porn is the main feature you want me to focus on, I am working on 3 scenes currently, possibly more before the update gets posted. However, I am aware the update is going to take a bit longer due to set backs. While you continue to [maybe not so] patiently wait, have a sexy drawing done for my birthday [hints to a large scene coming in the future!].
Credits to Bloodlust-Silver for his hard work on werewolf Silver and Miko. If you like his style, he has a deviant art page you can check out. Also, a new face is now on the development team, so give a warm welcome to Rayne! [She can be found in secret room now, too.]
Aaaaand, since I like you guys, here are a few extra Bloodlust-Silver drawings...
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Easy Access Changes
I decided to change up my page for a few reasons.
I have added some new tabs to the game download, the Legend of Krystal page for the game, and a poll blog which will hold the results of polls I hold here. I added the LOK page tab because I know I don't check this page as much as I need to. And as much as I try to remedy that, it still gets neglected. So if you need me to see something right away, try posting it to that page.
The download tab...Well, it's pretty obvious. Instead of having to make a 'Hey, new version!' post, and having to make you scroll through non update pages to find the link, you can just click the tab and easily be sent to the new version link. As for trying to find out if there is a new version up? The version number will change when it is updated.
The poll result tab is...Eh, again, pretty obvious. I added a new poll feature for anybody interested. I will probably use this feature to ask some questions about game features and updates. So it will be important later on.
Speaking of polls. This one is concerning the changelog, and how it will be found. I will deliver the changelog in which ever way is most favoured.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Version 1.3
The new version is avaliable here.
-Followers now keep status effects when removed from party.
-More minor script updates/organizing
-In order to get the laundry scene with Miko, she now has to be aroused.
-Changes made to follow system for Vladimir and Tenshi.
-Tenshi can now hang out.
-Tenshi and Vladimir collars start out as unknown.
-Light edits to Miko's dialogue. More player responses.
-Nybras scene now has porn. [Company]
-Fixes made to Tenshis anal scene.
-Food shop menu is no longer a mess, organized by price.
-Reputation shroom added to market.
-Fixed an issue with learning Medicine II & Tolerance at SP.
-Nurse uniform added to clothes.
-Charisma now defined as the needed skill during Elle's first dialogue check.
-Slight clothing equip fix for job titles.
-Ryu scene now has porn. [Guild]
-If you work at the hospital, you auto equip nurse outfit when you work.
-Hygiene now plummets by 100 after hospital orgy.
-Tenshi now wont show up on day 7.
-skill booster bra/panty sets now half the price.
-Miko's 4th date complete with H.
-Whip added to adult shop.
-Silvers 1st date now has charisma check and sex scene.
-Silvers 2nd date with charisma check and sex scene.
-Silver now can be given gifts.
-Elles gift options altered.
-Message appears to notify removal/moment of pregnancy.
-A few conversations for Elle added at her home.
-H option layout for Futa Izuna added to Elle convo.
-Elles profile now changes for older pregnancy/futa/bust enhancement. Non-H profiles only.
[Changes only made through surveuilance room for now.]
-Alchohol/drug gift dialogue changed for Elle if pregnancy is obvious.
-New surveilance cheat switches. Yellow for Izuna, blue for Elle.
-Izuna profile test system made better.
-Futanari only visible with no pants/panties.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
New features...Aaaaand Opinion Time!
After placing a few job sex scenes in, my main focus on the game has been making Elle's 3rd level dialogue and image creation for future features. Three main features have been added to the game, but only as visual features for now. These features for the most part are only accessible through the cheat devices in the secret room, and are added to be played with by the player. They serve as a preview for what is to come. These features are...
Player/npc futanari - 1st degree added for Izuna and Elle only so far. The profiles of futanari girls will look the same with underwear/clothes on, so it is only noticeable if nothing is covering their crotch for now. May change panty graphics to fit the bulges. [Certain H scenes will be triggered if Izuna is a futa in the future.]
Npc pregnancy - Tested on Elle, as this is planned to be a 'collar command' feature, it is only ready as a cheat so far. There is no 'birth' end for Elle so far, so she will remain pregnant when she should have triggered labor for now. Her profile in non-H conversations now changes based on pregnancy.
Bust Sizes - Tested on Elle and Izuna, but more progress on Elle. Her profile in non-H conversations now changes to show her bust size changes.
I am considering making futa/boob adjustments based on degrees. Instead of the current 'one change per use' system, I am considering making the adjustments stack up to 3 uses.
*Example: The first use of the boob enhancer changes a B cup to a C. *
Currently: After C, you can't enhance the size anymore.
Planned Idea: After C, you can use the enhancer again for a D cup, and one final time to get E cups. [For futanari, you would start out with a small cock, then double dose for a fairly large one, and finally an ungodly huge cock...]
Also, this thought is based on npc birth. I am unsure whether to make it so you keep npc children or to pull a generic 'NPC is not ready to raise a child, so it has been given up to resume her lifestyle.' end.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
I have been situated and am still making progress to the game. So far, 3 new sex scenes have been added. I want to make sure there is a bigger level of progress between the last update and the future one, so I will put one up once it has enough new content inside. Sorry for the late response, just know that I am still alive and up!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Possible Delay on Updates
Hey everyone, I have some unfortunate news. Due to some hard hits in my personal life, my living situation will not be stable and I might have to move within the week. This will make it difficult to update and improve the game for this period of time. I really hate to be 'that' guy when it comes to making sexy games, but I don't know how this will all play out. I am terribly sorry for the inconvinience, and will try to get stable and back to the game as soon as I can.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
-Contraceptive added to pharmacy.-Bathing/showering now removes 'sticky' state.
-Lupe teaches you tolerance.
-Slight map editing and room addition to Kimura house.
-Vladimir can be easily placed back to LnL desk if in party when activating his spot at the desk.
-Gun shop promotions now in place.
-LnL bookcase now checks job stats and promotion needs.
-Guild jobs now accessible.
-Ryuki serves to tell you promo needs and job details for the guild.
-New skills for guild jobs.
-All guild skills learned from ninjas at the right levels.
-New tutorial books added to dept store.
-Sexual skills have self-made icons.
-Vlads 2nd date now has H scene.
-Minor script organization.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Jobs, Pregnancy, Self Profile and Orgy Clubs.
These 3 aspects have been my prime focus for the past week. I am glad to say that there has been significant progress put into all of them. In the next update, all jobs should have their promotion systems in and be fully accessible. For now, the skills for them all are fairly easy to obtain [will make the requirements a bit more challenging in later releases, but for now its more about being able to access them in game.]
Now, so far with the pregnancy system, it is only finished for Izuna. I plan to form the system for the npcs as well, but this is still a work in progress as it runs very differently. Basically, 3 out of the 7 days of the cycle system have a risk for impregnation. [25%, 100%, or 50%] You can check these days with the journal now given to you when you begin the game. Currently, there is no notifier of when you get pregnant, so you have to check for a status icon for now, may change this. On your 27th day, you will give birth when you go to bed, so if you don't quite like the idea of that just use a Solarith before this happens. [ Found at the beach, but will be added to the alchemy shop as well. ] You can have a maximum of 3 kids, the 4th will be taken into another dimension and used as a background character for other stories. [ Small joke there... Hey, it gets tiring having to draw them all...] Eventually, I plan to make alternate H scenes if you are pregnant during them. [ The first 2 orgy club scenes have this if you are more than 15 days along.] However, this could be something that takes a while, considering the work to be put in before this.
The profile for Izuna has been mentioned before, and is in work. I'm actually considering reworking the graphics a bit, as she seems a little 'off' to me compared to the npcs...[ maybe it's just me? ] The profile changes for her status effects, clothes, and body changes. This isn't fully implemented, but rather in the game as a bit of a tester system. [Kimura 1F, picture near the kitchen] She only has 4 clothing articles that affect the portrait, the base ones for now. She will change for pregnancy, arousal and nausea states, and those specific clothes. [ Shirt picture for pregnant stages 2 & 3 not done, she will appear either topless or with the wrong shirt.] Futanari, lactation and breast expansion are planned as well, but like the pregnancy H, might be put on the back burner for now.
As far as H scenes for the jobs go, I only have 4 scenes for the orgy club. [4th one is actually supposed to come way later, but left it there for access for now.] There are still a lot of 'Moar H needed' markers to fill in still, considering filling in those in the demonic corporate field next...
And with this, I am going to need to add more tutorial books to the dept store, as I have put this off with the new features. Anyways, I figured it would only be fair to keep you all filled in as to what I am implementing in the game, seeing as how I don't post much compared to the LOK thread. I will try to change that.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
-Hospital orgy club 1st-3rd visit complete.-Intro to Sex Club finished.
-Miko's dinner event now increases relations between Elle and Vladimir.
-Fixed scope on medical box.
-Added some reputation increases after certain 'good' events.
-Fixed mystery shoe glitch.
-Body Tracker added.
-Fertility system added.
-Can't use bath house on menstruation.
-If on Vlad's 2nd date while menstruating, additional dialogue added.
-Hospital orgy club 4th visit complete.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Demo Update [Again...]
New version found here.!W5YDhSyD!5NIUYomlP-FdqNC25xpplMgVojoMW2sShNvttnsYf6w
Combined Changelog:
-Stopper put on unfinished orgy intro [SP]
-Rtp file removed, less bulky download.
-Animal system completely redone, no vanishing birds.
-Tenshi Lv2 and Lv3 dialogue added.
-Edited small conflict with Tenshi/Vlad arrivals.
-Added 2nd Dream on day 8.
-Changes made to rejected dates. Izuna appears outside her door to prevent multiple date crashes.
- 'Hate response' system in place for npcs, ready to have events added in soon.
- Pager no longer teleports on date events.
-Calender on 1F to predict date events.
-Promoting to Intern no longer crashes the game.
- Vladimir's reworked 2nd date in. H parts needed.
-Vladimir's 3rd date now has both H options.
-Tenshi's 3rd date now has H scene.
-Tenshi's 2nd date now accessible. [Breast experience needed.]
-New states added into system, medicines to remove added to pharmacy.
-Can 'learn' anal from Tenshi's 3rd scene if you don't have it, but it comes with a price.
-Cemetery unblocked
-Multiple bug fixes.
-Rtp file removed, less bulky download.
-Animal system completely redone, no vanishing birds.
-Tenshi Lv2 and Lv3 dialogue added.
-Edited small conflict with Tenshi/Vlad arrivals.
-Added 2nd Dream on day 8.
-Changes made to rejected dates. Izuna appears outside her door to prevent multiple date crashes.
- 'Hate response' system in place for npcs, ready to have events added in soon.
- Pager no longer teleports on date events.
-Calender on 1F to predict date events.
-Promoting to Intern no longer crashes the game.
- Vladimir's reworked 2nd date in. H parts needed.
-Vladimir's 3rd date now has both H options.
-Tenshi's 3rd date now has H scene.
-Tenshi's 2nd date now accessible. [Breast experience needed.]
-New states added into system, medicines to remove added to pharmacy.
-Can 'learn' anal from Tenshi's 3rd scene if you don't have it, but it comes with a price.
-Cemetery unblocked
-Multiple bug fixes.
-Miko laundry room scene added.
-Gun shop spawn fix
-Dr. Acura giving you the medical box is now made apparent.
-Elle no longer appears on map at all if in party.
-Miko no longer appears on map at all if in party.
-Typo fix with animals.
-Elle can now 'hang out'.
-Added journal on Izunas desk to keep track of npc affection.
-Journal also checks for hate status.
-Hospital terminal entries recovered.
-Follower reactions edited for Miko in the department store.
-Some follower reactions for Elle [solo] and Elle [+Miko] in place at dept. store.
-Having elle present at the adult dept. makes items 50% cheaper.
-Having vladimir present at the bath house after the 2nd date gets you in for free.
-Having Miko present while talking to silver at LnL [without Vladimir in party] will make items 50% cheaper.
-Various scope changes to items.
-Applying to LnL now correctly removes old jobs.
-Fixed calls for old npc profiles [crashing]
-Changed how the shower scene for Miko is activated to prevent conflict.
-Due to shower change, Miko no longer teleports you out after 1st level up.
-Arousal inducing items now added to system, soon to be accessible.
-Gun shop spawn fix
-Dr. Acura giving you the medical box is now made apparent.
-Elle no longer appears on map at all if in party.
-Miko no longer appears on map at all if in party.
-Typo fix with animals.
-Elle can now 'hang out'.
-Added journal on Izunas desk to keep track of npc affection.
-Journal also checks for hate status.
-Hospital terminal entries recovered.
-Follower reactions edited for Miko in the department store.
-Some follower reactions for Elle [solo] and Elle [+Miko] in place at dept. store.
-Having elle present at the adult dept. makes items 50% cheaper.
-Having vladimir present at the bath house after the 2nd date gets you in for free.
-Having Miko present while talking to silver at LnL [without Vladimir in party] will make items 50% cheaper.
-Various scope changes to items.
-Applying to LnL now correctly removes old jobs.
-Fixed calls for old npc profiles [crashing]
-Changed how the shower scene for Miko is activated to prevent conflict.
-Due to shower change, Miko no longer teleports you out after 1st level up.
-Arousal inducing items now added to system, soon to be accessible.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Equip System Edits
So a few of you guys already might know that my main focus now is on a possible profile for Izuna.
Well, in order for this to really match what I have in my head, we clearly needed more than 5 item slots. So here is how the new script [credits to yanfly] will make the system look.
Here is a preview [ the body exists, but I won't ruin the surprise...] of Izuna's profile, or the face of it anyway. I already have a few clothing parts sketched out as well, but those are also a surprise...
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
6/04/2014 Release
Another patch and release. Most annoyances should be cleared out by now. Enjoy as always!
Changelog:-Tenshi picture stuck in conversation issues fixed.
-Added more Izuna responses to Tenshi conversation.
-Elle's 1st date now has a fail skill check option to go to.
-Eve now teaches you the Charm skill after 1st time talking in office.
-Job changing no longer resets the day.
-Astaroth now offers skill when talk to him, future H scene.
-Nybras encounter gives you skill, future H scene.
-Dagon teaches you a skill, future H scene.
-Dr.Acura now gives you a Medical Box [temporary source for 3 skills]
-Medicine I, and II now learned from SP items.
-New sleep script, day/event scripts now both function if they fall on the same day.
-Edit to Izuna's water submerged sprite, should look better.
-Vlad's introduction and accessability now working.
-Training dummy in the basement increases attack.
-Slight progress on guild jobs, not playable yet.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Patched Demo
So, the first demo had some problems before. In the interest of making the demo at least semi playable, I have fixed most if not all the issues and present you with the improved Demo here. Please enjoy.!TwAAwIgD!ptTsskmABQMnHovcOsqSoFA9cslu0NEf78mf0lD6QqQ
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Changes to Come...
Mind the pun bait in the title. Shortly after the demo release..Again, mind the potential puns...There were a few pretty large bugs and annoyances. Thanks to multiple testers, I was informed very quickly about these issues and managed to fix almost all of the ones mentioned so far...There are also some new changes just to minimize annoyance. Just so you can have an idea what to expect, I will tell you some of the changes made to the game since the demo.
-Miko's bath scene now functions.
-Item prices have dropped drastically.
-New method for animal/item harvesting implemented.
-The awful never ending letter glitch will now haunt nobody.
-ALL clothing items should be useable, though most are useless for now.
-Outdated objects dropped.
-Unusual or out of place items not sold by vendors. [example: Book vendor selling fish]
-Ascending organization of old items. [Due to price changes, had to reorganize]
-No more reset on Day 7.
-Small fixes concerning object collision.
-Made plants a timed harvest-able [in game time passes for respawn] and livestock once daily. [refreshes after sleep]-Added minor extra items, still not in game yet.
-Altered the system checks for booze consumables.
There should be more updates to come as I add in more content, and fix any issues anybody else might let me know of.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Demo Release
The wait is over, and I managed to finish up a small demo. Now, some features are still partially/mostly/not at all complete. The 'collar slave system' for the npcs are still not functionable, but you can still date the npcs and share some H scene unlocks. Remember to learn certain H skills from books at the department store first. [Breast experience, footjobs, and cunnilingus are some of the few functional ones currently] Some job skills are unobtainable, so progression isn't too great yet.
Oh, and some of the tutorial books in the book store have not been implemented yet, so if you cant find that information, just ask.
Get the demo here!f05x0DyB!zINZ17WS4byMro_Kf-0tC2ZtCYfc371Pdzr4ddIi0Hk
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Pregnancy System in the Making
After seeing that enough of you might like the new addition, my collaborator and I have decided to add an impregnation system. Since female npcs can't be controlled until after their collar has been placed on them, this feature won't be accessible until you can take direct control of them. When they DO get collared, you can make them get it on with other npcs at your command. If the other npc is male, there will be a chance that they will get pregnant. [So far, I plan on making the chance 30%]
After the exact day that the npc gets pregnant, she will show slight belly in 6 days, bigger at 15, and the max at 21. The system runs on a 27 day cycle, though at day 27 and up, they remain the same size until you choose to reset their uterus by giving them certain items.
So far, I only have the files for Elle's pregnancy ready.
This is pretty much how each female will progress if you impregnate them.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Planned Dates
Now, I have played a lot of games, 18+ ones and fairly G-rated. So I have a fairly big list of things I REALLY liked in that selection of games. Some of those things, sadly, will feel out of place in the game. However, others will actually be pretty fitting. One of those things are actual days that count as 'festivals' or special events that you can ask 1 character to. You must have a certain disposition with them first, and you will gain a relationship boost when you go to a special event with them. And, yes, I plan on adding some saucy scenes in them eventually.
I have made a few of them, and their relationship boosts are higher than that of just talking to them. This makes it a little easier to charm multiple characters, which can also alter char-char relationships. Now, there are plenty of other things I want to add, but I won't reveal a lot of those until I have completed some of the other systems that need great work done on them. I would rather not hype you guys [and myself, for that matter] up with cool features and spoil them to the point where I don't add them in when possible, for multiple reasons.
I don't like making new posts without anything good as a preview, so have a small shot of Tenshi trashing the guild bar.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Alright, so I was advised by some of you to start a blog for my game updates.
It's been a while since I have used anything like this, so if I make some mistakes or fatal errors, please forgive me. Since my last preview, I have made some very slight progress in the game. Elle will now only be available at her apartment after 20 affection levels. You will still see her in the hospital, but she should say something along the lines of 'I can't talk now, lets continue this after work', prompting you to only converse at her place from this point on. Silver still has a mere 3 lines of conversation, so he is completely unobtainable for now. I also plan on adding undead monsters in the cemetery, as there are demon monsters in spire woods. Miko and Vladimir are topped at their affection levels for now, filling up their max 30 conversations. I plan on raising it to 50 per character after they all have enough development each.
Oh, right, I don't think I have explained this before. For every 10 conversations, your friendship 'levels up' with each character.
Acquaintance > Friend > Good Friend > Best Friend > H partner
You also have a hygiene bar that depletes everytime you sleep or do something that dirties you up. If it gets too low, characters will refuse to start the social menu.
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