Sunday, September 21, 2014

Birthday pr0nz and lycanthropy!



Since porn is the main feature you want me to focus on, I am working on 3 scenes currently, possibly more before the update gets posted. However, I am aware the update is going to take a bit longer due to set backs. While you continue to [maybe not so] patiently wait, have a sexy drawing done for my birthday [hints to a large scene coming in the future!].

Credits to Bloodlust-Silver for his hard work on werewolf Silver and Miko. If you like his style, he has a deviant art page you can check out. Also, a new face is now on the development team, so give a warm welcome to Rayne! [She can be found in secret room now, too.]

Aaaaand, since I like you guys, here are a few extra Bloodlust-Silver drawings...


  1. Hospital orgy club seems glitched to me since when ever i enter the hospital after Vlad finish his store everything but the fire freeze except the place name.

    1. [Sorry for the late reply]

      Yeah, I THINK I fixed it now, but it was a hard glitch to pin down...IT should be fine now
