Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Planned Dates

Now, I have played a lot of games, 18+ ones and fairly G-rated. So I have a fairly big list of things I REALLY liked in that selection of games. Some of those things, sadly, will feel out of place in the game. However, others will actually be pretty fitting. One of those things are actual days that count as 'festivals' or special events that you can ask 1 character to. You must have a certain disposition with them first, and you will gain a relationship boost when you go to a special event with them. And, yes, I plan on adding some saucy scenes in them eventually.

I have made a few of them, and their relationship boosts are higher than that of just talking to them. This makes it a little easier to charm multiple characters, which can also alter char-char relationships. Now, there are plenty of other things I want to add, but I won't reveal a lot of those until I have completed some of the other systems that need great work done on them. I would rather not hype you guys [and myself, for that matter] up with cool features and spoil them to the point where I don't add them in when possible, for multiple reasons.



I don't like making new posts without anything good as a preview, so have a small shot of Tenshi trashing the guild bar.

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