Monday, June 1, 2015

Annoyances Being Tweaked


Unfortunately, while setting up the Izu system, I realized I had made a mistake in the details and had to go through all the progress I made and fix everything. Annoying, sure. Easier to fix at this stage before it causes a lot of issues, very much so. And then there was the follower issue. It had been so that when you swapped genders, other npcs would take over as the main sprite. You can see why this would be problematic, but it got fixed with a little bit of common event call creation and set up. It's funny how something so simple can require that much extra work.

While working on the frame work and small details for the new features, I have also been finishing up the first Izu-based H scene. And it's a POV one~
Everyone likes butts, right? After this one has been polished and put in, the first male-male scene will be worked on. I actually have quite a few sketched out, but I can't decide on which to put in first...Either way, you should appreciate them because of all the porn I wound up getting way too distracted by to get references for them and the fantastic display of superior mental willpower to pull myself away in order to get some hot sketches stored up the extensive research and inspecting I had to do for science in order to make them just right. Moving on...

The poll has been replaced rather quickly due to a more important question. Progress will be made more on the npcs who are being favored through the voting, and expression files will be made for them first. Remember, this IS mainly a test run, so we are talking just basics here, many extra features for them might still not be in the game for a while. We really just want to know which 2 npcs to get preview basics out of the way first. As always, thank you for the kind words, patience and general feedback.


  1. Here am I, with an account!
    Which is... kinda useless when I think about it...
    Only difference is that I don't need to type that username every time I comment...

    Oh well.

    First-Person scenes may feel a little... weird, actually. You wouldn't get a good view of the action, which is the whole point of a Third-Person View.

    As I say that, I realize how much of a pervert I am. But I digress.

    Now, I shall write suggestions in an organized way, just cuz I feel like it.

    Useless Suggestions:

    1) Bicycles... Bicycles. Bicycles!

    Everybody loves bicycles, so why not?
    They would either be used to travel real fast or, as usual, to make references (Now is not the time to use that!).

    For each character, it would be necessary to make 12 sprites: 1 standing and 2 pedalling for each direction. Basically it's boring stuff.

    Followers wouldn't be able to follow Izuna from directly behind her in a bike for practical reasons ("WHY DID YOU STO-" *CRASH*), so you'd need formations like side to side with 1 follower, V formation with 2, 4 or 6 followers, V with someone in the middle for 5 followers and something creative for 3, because I can't imagine it. Many scripts would be necessary to make them dodge obstacles and go faster back into formation.

    I consider the "formations" part needlessly hard and boring to do, the "looking for perfection" stuff. You could simply make it so that Izuna could only use it alone or, with a double bike, one follower.

    2) How about making one big bridge connecting the beach and the Dojo island? Like, making a whole new area for the bridge alone. Kinda like the gigantic bridges of a certain series of games about catching animals and forcing them to fight each other.

    It would be a nice place for dates at night if you were to place dim lights alongside the bridge for romantic points, and bonus points if there is a small dock with some boats on it for future events.

    Also, maybe remaking the Dojo island? It looks kinda plain and very small.

    3) Being able to talk to people hanging out with you.

    This is kind of self-explanatory.

    4) Arrange dates.

    You place a "Date" option, create a Date flag and throw around flags for dating spots. The NPC follows you as if you were hanging out but, whenever you enter a possible dating spot, the game recognizes that the Date flag is triggered, the NPC makes some comment about the area and you receive a prompt asking if you want to start the date there.

    I'd imagine it would be easier to make the dates repeatable instead of making different dialogues for the same spot, but that's your call.

    Being able to arrange dates with NPCs while hanging out with them would be pretty nice too.

    5) A suggestion section!

    Yes, I just suggested a suggestion section. Deal with it. *puts on shades*

    It would prompt people to start suggesting. Most people don't even think about it since this is a comments section.

    Who knows? Maybe you'll find some gems amongst the suggestions


    Yeah, thats about it. Sadly, they feel like hard, endgame and/or pointless stuff.

    On another note, I managed to get myself a pickaxe. Now I'm attempting to make an underground base from the sewers. Cops and pumblers occasionally come here to try and throw me out, but the homeless people drive them away.

    "Destruction of public property"? Sure, guys. You'll all be thanking me when you need somewhere to hide from those damn birds.

    1. Finally got around to responding [sorry!]

      1. Nice idea. A system for speedy travel, whether it be by bicycle or not, will probably be put in future releases.

      2. Also not a bad suggestion, as the bridges we have connecting them so far are....Not great. Actually, if this is the case, Paws MIGHT snatch this up and make edits to the dojo island for better bridge additions. Or, I could do it. It really depends who wins the next round in the dev team fight club.

      3. This WOULD be great. I have yet to find a script to do this, but I can keep scouring the google seas for one.

      4. Believe it or not, this was planned at one point alongside the location reactions by the followers. There would also be varying modifiers for the relationship depending on the location and npc you took there. [For example, Elle would not be impressed if you took her to the cemetery: +1 affection. Taking her to the department store would please her more" + 2 affection.] Now that the seasons and weather systems have been put in, this could be suggested again. [Npc affinity for weather types and reluctance to be outside in some of them]

      5. Hmm...Suggestion box tabs...

      Lately, I have been seeing more of those birds...They have gathered allies. They are becoming more sentient. They know something...I just don't know WHAT it is...Thankfully, our hobo allies have come to our aid and provided top notch defense for the new base locations.
