Tuesday, June 16, 2015

  Fun with Cheats and Progress


It's been a long week. But Misaki and Tomoko have their test runs done, and can be activated in the cheat room for now. Now all that's left is to do the sprite placement changes, editing them to show the correct gender sprite for every location. Misaki and Tomoko both have some of the edits complete. For example...

Now, once they both have the sprite edits in place for their weekly schedules, the new release should be ready to launch very shortly afterwards. Also, due to a shorthand of certain necessary functions and skill increases in the game, a cheat pad has been added to the game. You get it in the same box as the collars on day 2, and you manually enter codes in for cheaty gains. Since reputation is the hardest to find and get right now, you can have the code to gain 1000 reputation points: Hatersgonnahate. The others? Well, they remain a guessing game!

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