Sunday, June 7, 2015

Negotiation Achieved: Silver


 Excited over the title? Well, if you have been waiting and hoping for a Silver gender-bend form, then you should be! Though, since 'Silver' is a pretty gender neutral name, the female version will retain the same name as his original. Sorry to anybody who got used to 'Sylvia' or anything else close to that. I do not have any sketch previews yet, but his creator is making some concepts of how female Silver would look. We have one design that looks more promising than the others, so that might be the final draft if nothing better comes to mind.

In less exciting news, Izu's first H scene is almost done. It's one where you have a choice between vaginal or anal, and it is a trigger for Elle's 2nd date. So now, if you are a female it directs you to the classic cunnilingus scene, and to this one if you are a male.

On another note, I apologize for slower progress. I am in the middle of training for a new potential job, so I haven't had as much time to get in there and finish up some parts. Soon we may have some sketches of fem-Silver soon, by both me and Bloodlust-Silver. I will try to tend to some of the new comments, but I will really be tying up all the progress as quick as possible. 


Misaki's profiles being tested with his dialogue changes...

Tomoko's profiles being tested with her dialogue changes...

The gender bent siblings and some of their new expressions. Tomoko has a version with her hair down for special scenes.

More facial expression previews for Tomoko.
More facial expression previews for Misaki.


  1. Replies

  2. Wasn't Silver supposed to be 'immune' to gender-bending lore wise? Or are you planning on making his transformation a unique event like purifying his blood or lifting some form of curse?

    1. It's possible, but so far it seems he will be able to change in the same way as the other npcs. The details are still being worked out, but Silver will have a female form now. As mentioned before, the lore in the game was a blanket story, because 'his creator specifically requested him to not have a female form' doesn't have as nice of a sound to it.
