Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fight Club


Don't you just love it when you move into a new place and then have to move to ANOTHER place only a week or so later? Oh well. Still having an opportunity to get shit done, I have finished all the new kitsune profiles, including the new herm design! Here is a teaser for their nude profiles~
Since we have those 3 polished and ready to import into the game, it's time to get serious on the new battle system. As discussed, some new details have been made and added to the basic system, and a plan has been agreed on. Now it's just a matter of putting it all together and testing it out. If it works fine and seems to fit in well, then we have more time to add scenes and bug fix before the next release.

We already have some designs for the elves sketched out, since it has the most votes as of today. There is actually a special lay-out for the elves encounter wise, but I made a poll to see what you think. Read this about the elves before you vote: Ok, so typically you have 2 types of elves in most fantasy settings, the light and dark elves. I thought about this, and while we could make 6 new profiles [Male, female and futa] and a total of 2 new 'races', why not make it more interesting. What I have planned is for the 'light elves' to come in the standard male and female genders. And the 'dark elves' to be a pure futa race. This is because dark elves would be described as former light elves who have succumbed to their lustful desires, causing their bodies to change by means of dark magic to better suit their desires. Again, I put up a poll to see how well you all like this idea before it becomes permanent.


 And all the nocturnal posted by Paws have had their final profiles sketched out too, lots of profiles got sketched out this week!


  1. THAT is an awesome idea, seriously; It's an excellent way to represent them IMHO. Corruption is rarely represented this well in most games or smut in my experience.
    Since a variety of races are added and being added with most(if not all) if i read correctly may be able to impregnate(or be) Izuna/Izu, will there be more pregnancy features in the future like race specific off-spring or having twins or triplets?
    Really enjoying your game thus far.

    1. Glad you think so~

      And yes, there will be race-specific offspring. So far, kitsune children have been added to the unreleased update, as well as a few loss scenes for them. Lagomorphs will probably have a higher chance of impregnating Izuna too.

  2. Standing here.
    I realize.
    I've been procrastinating everything but games and studies for a helluva time.
    Then again, does that last one even count as "procrastinating"?

    I disappear from the internet for months and in the meantime this happens. What's "this" you ask?
    I had to make up a new word for that. That's how more awesome the game is now.

    Even if 99% of my suggestions were rejected, and there are many good reasons I can see as for why (Bicycles? The hell was I thinking?), I still fangirled when I saw Izuna growing a demon tail. And I'm a guy.

    And if that somehow conveyed the message that I'm a little (a lot?) miffed about not seeing most of the stuff I suggested here, I'll just point out that I didn't mean that. I'm completely fine with having my ideas rejected until forever if you guys don't see them as viable or, well, worthy.

    The whole point of my useless random suggestions is to give ideas to people, even if they don't like the suggestions. Something like this:
    Suggestion: Bicycles -> Would take too much time to properly do -> But would travel faster -> Travel fast makes me think of teleport -> Teleporting is easier to do -> Time to add a feature!
    *This thing I just wrote has no relation with real life. I totally don't believe my suggestion about bycicles made you guys think up a teleport system.

    And with that said, I'll just say that I'm excited (heheheh...) about those monsters and a new battle system. If there's a pet system, I'd say to limit the number of pets to a very small number for immersion's sake. I don't really know how to explain it, but there's a clear difference between having 2 pets and 500. The same difference between a party member and a mook.

    As always, useless suggestions are needed:

    1) [I believe it to be (key words) relatively easy to do with a few lines of programming]
    What if not doing physical activities for a while starts reducing Izuna's (and maybe other character's if the story fits) level? That is, if the plan is to use the usual leveling system.
    This is supposed to be a counter-measure for the (thing I just named) End-Game Syndrome: you're so strong there's just no challenge anymore in the game. It always kills the game for me when I can easily kill the strongest enemy every time. -_-

    2) [This one... depends on a lotsa things]
    Another thing I'd suggest is writing up any random dialogue you think up during that moment when you're just staring into space and placing it on the NPCs. Surely gives a better impression than the "repeating the last line said forevah" that 99.9% of the games do nowadays. Bonus points if you manage to think up a basic personality for everyone.
    I wonder what that gay dude in the clothing store would say.

    Well, dayum. Character limit got me. I'mma need a few more comments. This is gonna be long...

    1. 3) [Seems like a simple case of programming, but those tend to be harder than they look]
      Clothing sprite changes for everyone in events. Calm down, I'm not saying to sprite every article of clothing! I'm just saying something like this: When you look at the mirror, you see Izuna/Izu with their equipment or just naked if the equipment doesn't have a sprite, right? But I remember always seeing Izuna naked in front of the mirror and then fully clothed in a VN cutscene. How about making everybody's clothes reflect what they're actually wearing? Like, everyone starts with their "sprited equipments". If I change, for example, Miko's top with Izuna's top, they'll be wearing each other's (already sprited) shirts during VN cutscenes and when I talk to Miko. If, however, I equip something without a sprite on somebody, it'll be like they're not wearing anything, just like on the mirror.
      I remember that *ahem* certain scenes already start with the characters naked, unless it's a clothing change which happened during a scene (Elle's lingerie or a trip to the beach), so if the VN-style cutscenes reflect the equipments, it wouldn't necessarily screw the "interesting" scenes.
      The option to turn on or off this feature with certain characters would be nice too.
      The idea of equiping a bra on Tenshi also amuses me. Dude be all like "I'm straight! Don't mind my bra!"
      And just for the hell of it, how about adding beach equipment to everybody's wardrobes? I have no idea how Miko got that bikini when she essentially only had panties, and I stole th- I mean, took them for research purposes.

      4) [Hard, from (maybe) spriting to programing]
      Izuna's children are useless. I know that it would take a loooooong time to make the characters do as much as acknowledge them, and even more to develop a Job system and make them walk around like NPCs, but I feel the need to remind you guys of this. And now I feel like a douchebag for putting it like that. Oh well, on to the next one!

      5) [This one is even worse with the workload]
      Make 4 possible children and personalities, 2 boys and 2 girls, instead of 2 for each couple. The way it is now, it's very easy to end up with identical children. If there are 2 possible boys and 2 possible girls, even cases like having children with Miko and Tenshi will end up with different kids. It works better if you "lock" one type of kid when he is born to avoid copies. The only case in which copies feel "right" is when they are twins, and I'm pretty sure there's not that mechanic yet.

      6) [Hard as f- when you notice the implications]
      Make other people be able to give birth. That means changing many cutscenes to reflect their big bellies. And that's bad.

      7) [Easy, I guess?]
      When I talk to Miko on that Dojo island, she has a bikini, but immediately changes back into her usual clothes. I am a young, perverted male and I have the right to protest agaisnt such behavior.
      I also personally never saw people spontaneously grabbing their jeans and shirt when I talked to them on a beach. Well, there was that one time, but still...

      8) [I dunno... It's spriting]
      Make actual character portraits for the party members because, really, that ain't Vlad. It amuses me, but it's still strange. Same thing with blushing Tenshi doing stuff to Izuna, blushing Elle and Silver being totally different. It's just me being nitpicky here, but it's still kinda strange.

      Holy hell, I'm either writing a lot more than usual or this character limit thing is new. Definitely the former. I blame it on my long absence and hope that this never happens again.


    2. 4, 5 and 6 are horrible, horrible endgame stuff that you should only worry about when everything on the "Details and Features" list is green and you actually have time to spare. The other ones... I'm not so sure.

      1 is a whole new feature, 2 is just strange, 3 requires changes everywhere and maybe 7 is only two minutes, or maybe it's one hour. I have no experience with RPG Maker, to tell the truth. 8 is, well, spriting. 'Nuff said.

      As always, I don't care if nothing here makes it into the game, I'm just the Random Suggestion Guy! And Paws's potential minion if I didn't lose that spot yet.

      Hindsight Extra:
      I remember suggesting a way to talk with the party members. How about adding an option on the menu to activate the conversation flag with a party member? Kinda like using an item on them, but talking instead? Maybe a simple "Talk" option one the status.
      Status -> Select Party Member -> Pressing Z again will make a menu appear -> Menu will have "Talk" if it's not Izuna and "Use Item on"
      This also makes it easier to use an item on someone instead of selecting it from the inventory and choosing a party member. More intuitive, I guess?


      Holy craaaaap, that was long. I'm done now. Really. I think I just claimed the whole section. I don't remember ever reaching the characters limit that many times. Then again, I gotta make up for two months.

      And I notice that Rayne still didn't get down from the house. How long can she stay up there?!

      Extra Suggestion: Make schedules for yourselves in-game. That would be neat and potentially funny.

      That said, this game developed awesomely and I am totally befriending another kitsune the first chance I get.
      For research purposes.
      Just like those twenty-seven gigabytes of interesting data I found on not-Nekomatic's external hard drive that I totally didn't steal.

      ...... 'Kay, bye.
      *Jumps out of the window*

    3. I'd like to mention that the corruption idea has been well received with the dev team, though it hasn't had much attention due to other priorities game-wise, it is still going to be implemented. So don't give up hope there > u >

      The bicycles did sound cool, but ultimately would be complicated to put it in. Plus, now I have added a new overworld map teleport system [you will see screenshots in the new post] so the idea is null now.

      Yes, we discussed the pet system brought up by Paws before. It would be a cool feature as well, but I want to wait until we have a few more functioning encounters out there before we try to stitch that into the mix...I don't see it housing MANY monsters, much like the limit on children you can have.

      1 - I could see this being added after x amount of inactive days, depleting y amount of health/stamina cap each day. I could quickly make a short system and see if it levels well with everything else. This would encourage players to either fight or train to maintain their cap gains..Not a bad idea.

      2 - Actually, YES to this. Most of those lines were written early last year, and if you have noticed...The characters that have more recently been added/edited have variety in their speech...Like Mark, the jogger. So I will probably skim around and toss in some other possible lines...

      3 - This was in progress for a while. Just like the corruption system, it also has plans. More is featured for the npcs like Elle, who has most of her clothing sprites added already. But for Izuna, yeah...Considering she has a shit ton more clothing options, I think I can add each outfit instead of every article...

      4 - Yeah, it would be a good load of work to wire that in. This has been thought about before, but this one is debatable.

      5 - Nope...No twin/triplet mechanic yet...Though with certain enemy-born offspring this might be added. *Cough* Lagomorphs...*cough*...The way it is set up now, is that there are 6 possible outcomes for npc kids. 3 girls and 3 boys. If you have 3 kids from the same 'father', they should all look different. However, they will have the paternal set of genetics. This could also change, now that I am more comfortable creating sprite sets...

      6 - ACTUALLY...If you have somehow found the locked off birth testing room...This was in progress...Mainly with Elle. But it was locked off after a certain question. That is, I noticed some people who share an impregnation fetish also have a birth fetish. It is personally not my cup of tea, but it also doesn't repel me either. Hmm....So whether or not to 'illustrate' the actual process was putting this on the back burner.

      7 - XD Oh, well I could probably edit a new convo tree for her in a bikini, therefore making this more enjoyable.

      8 - Ah, that was due to me just being lazy. "Hmm, I don't want to draw all of that right now, but it still needs an icon..."

      Hindsight Extra - That would be great, but it's another setting that would probably require extra scripting. Now, I am adequate with scripts to the point of bug fixing small issues and changing settings fluidly to match my preferences...But writing script? No. I can't...I am not powerful enough...If there would be an outside source, perhaps a dedicated fan who would volunteer to do it, then absolutely!

      Rayne has impressive stamina~
      I can probably do that, I mean, why not? They might be in certain areas for a while......

      -looks over at broken window-...I should probably fix that. Meh, I'll just do it later...

    4. Well, mmmaaaaayyybe I could learn how to script in RPG Maker.

      For science!

      But I'd rather map stuff. Actually, I feel like trying it, now! My years spent on Pok***n give me a lot of ideas!

      A tomb with no monsters but many puzzles and traps, guarded by an entire kitsune village...
      A water village formed by wooden houses atop a flowing river, small bridges connecting them...
      Maybe even a village on the trees?

      I can see it! Holy crap! Nekomatic, Paws, I can freaking see it!
      Alright, I shall follow my whim and train both mapping and scripting! You guys mind if I do it by editing the current Collars here?

    5. I mind. I dun wanna show all the hidden unused content yet, chuu.

      Also, coughMauvillecoughPacifidlogcough.

    6. Fair warning, Paws is very proud of her map work and may battle you to the death for offering to work on maps. -Starts microwaving popcorn- By the way, I prefer battle axes in my spectated battles, just throwing that out there should it happen...

      Just don't base anything off of Lavender Town. I don't need Collars Black Version coming out anytime soon...
