Thursday, March 19, 2015

Explanation Summary For Delays


Alright, since some of these problems don't seem to be clearing up as soon as I wanted, I might as well fill you all in on WHY the game update is delayed. 

First off, I apologize again as it sucks to wait on something you really get into playing, even after seeing promises of cool new features and stuff that will be there. I know, as I have played several games, of the hentai and non-hentai varieties. However, several members of the entire dev team have run into their own difficulties. With me it has mainly been a mix of handling a family, severe depression, and unfortunate family problems. But some of the other members are going through shit too, I won't explain their issues as it is more personal, but basically a shitstorm caught all of us up. This is why I have been absent on forums, and general online activity.

I really didn't want to pull you guys into this, but after this long I feel that it is only fair that you knew why the game is getting pushed more than it should. This doesn't mean I quit working on the game, as I do enjoy working on it. But as of late, it has been challenging with everything else going on. Again, I am really sorry for the delays, but hopefully this gives you an idea as to why. I should have some previews up within a few days, so that will make up for the sad post.


  1. Hey we understand, personal life should come first before the rest of us even if they complain you should ignore them and deal with your problems.

  2. I have to say this. You and your dev team are practically a family but not by blood. This is a case of you choosing your family. I hope you under stand what i am saying.
