Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dream Big


As mentioned within my previous post, we are working on a large number of features to make the new release worth the time and unexpected set backs. Some of these include dream events [both playable and non playable]. A few of these events tease at the upcoming gender bends, some are creepy, some are sexy, and some even end in rewards if you play through them the right way. Here is a preview of Miko and Tomoko and how they will appear in one of the dreams.

Also, Miko has her bust system completely added into the game. A look at her minimum and maximum sizes:

Again, mentioned in the last post: Do you think we should release the unfinished version early, or wait until it is finished and stable? [3 for the latter so far]


  1. Looks like things are progressing nicely here.
    T-Tomoko looks... *drools*
    About releasing soon and buggy or later and stable, I'm pretty sure putting up an unfinished and buggy version would be a good idea. I mean, it doesn't sounds like it, but you would be able to get feedback faster that way, and any bug can be excused as the version being, as you say, unfinished. If players don't like one feature and want it gone, for example, don't you think it would be better to delete it before wasting time working on it?
    Of course, that's just my opinion.

    1. Enjoying Tomoko, eh?
      Yeah, I think that's what the majority agrees on. We are going to try and get the release ready as soon as possible, after getting some of the personal/technical issues resolved first.

  2. Personally, i believe waiting is best. Just keep us updated about it.
    Are there going to be bust system for all the characters?

    1. Yes, the female ones at-least. We just need to work on Izuna's, and then later on Tomoko and Verdona.

  3. While I generally am more inclined to say "wait till you think the release is ready etc." I kind of selfishly want ANY release as soon as possble, since I joined the fun with version 1.7 and therefore had the bug with having the date not advancing and thus never even meeting Vlad or Tenshi....
    Still, it is first and foremost YOUR game and not ours, so do what you feel most comfortable with ;)

    1. Alright, once again thank you for the support. I feel especially bad since 1.7 had some serious, unresolved bugs.

  4. I have to agree that the wait would be better

  5. I am unable to play for some unknown reason that locks the game up on start, so I'd honestly like to see the game earlier, buggy or not, in hopes of finding out if it will even run for me.

    1. Unfortunately, that is just what happened to 1.7, I feel terrible that it got unchecked before release and work on the new updates.

  6. I'm really liking how this game is turning out. I haven't been able to play as much of it as I would have liked recently, but this game is looking great!

    I may have to set a few hours a side this week to have a look at the new release....Maybe when no-one else is around. : 3

    1. Alone time is the best time to play it, after all.

  7. Anyone else checking back daily for updates?

    1. I'm trying to make them more frequent now, sorry for the delay.
