Thursday, May 27, 2021


Back From The Dead

     Version 2.95 is uploading away as I type this, and along with the update and some serious headway made for bigger additions later in the near future...I present to you part 2 of the original collars npc set. Not only am I trying to engage more: being more responsive on platforms and giving more frequent updates or previews. I am also trying to keep some of my own art coming out. With that said, enjoy the new update and the new set of images starring Miko.


  1. where the heck is this cheat room i keep hearing about?

    1. also any chance you could rig a system where we could cook from storage instead of having to carry ingredients

    2. I can try, but my experience with scripting is limited so no promises.

    3. You have to go to the payphone in town, and upon second examination of it enter 'gimme my prons'.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.
