Tuesday, March 8, 2016

More Content

      I have been using chunks of my free time to try and finish the new npc files. After finally being satisfied with their final designs, I spent a lot of time making all of their expressions and parts. Then I tested them out in the game. While they aren't quite in there yet, they do have some testers for now...

And then there are the sprite files still being edited and worked on. After these two guys have enough content, Akane and Junko will get some work done~

Then there are some Izu versions of Silvers H scenes being drafted. [Izu x Silver, Izu + Silver x Miko]

And, AND...There might be a possible 2nd scene for the male and futa kitsunes in the making [If I end up liking the sketch enough to finalize it...].  This one will include a more 'copious' finish, maybe some belly stretching in result...

Hopefully I will have at least a basic npc schedule and into for both of these guys in, if not also one level of dialogue, before the next release...


  1. You're alive! So, good to see you again.

  2. Hey, Akane's creator here. Good to hear from you. The characters are looking great in my opinion. Can't wait to see more content for them.

    Really interested in the new developments with the Kitsunes. The reason I back tracked on the idea of Akane edging multiple times for a more copious filling was because I remembered how the Kitsune scenes, as well as the scenes with the main characters under the effects of the beastly potion, mentioned bloating and thought that was all I would get anyway. If cumflation's going to be more, complete with pictures, I'm all for Akane having this fetish!

    Sorry if my nit picking is annoying. If it's bothering you, tell me and I'll leave it in your hands.

  3. Dayum that's alotta work!
    Really sorry about you having to go through all that work :/
    Sprites seems good. The two sprite characters on the right are Akane & Junko?
    I am rather curious about genderbent Gabriel :3

  4. Make sure you check Vlad's files as none were in 2.17 making it impossible to talk to him.

    1. That's because Vlad is in the process of being deleted from the game.

    2. http://collarsgame.blogspot.com/2015/11/scavenging-through-fallout-yes-that-is.html

  5. I'm not sure if this the right place to ask, but I was wondering, is there any way to make transformative item effects longer lasting or permanent? Trying to micromanage keeping changes in effect, especially if you try to do so on multiple npcs, with the short lived masculinity / femininity items is a pain. Especially since the game doesn't tell you how long / how many days a change has left, and since events can trigger that get in the way of reapplication. The wiki doesn't really get into this in any detail yet.

    (I just wanted to futa up everyone I could).

    Also, is there any good way to farm reputation for the people / jobs that require it?

    1. 1: there's a item that make it last 3-5 days i think from demon job

      2: have children and then give them for adoption at the south west farm of the town.

  6. Can we have a feel of when the next update comes out (not saying to rush out a update if there's alot of bugs to squish/eat, better have it more playable than not)

  7. Hey, you guys alright? It's been a while.

  8. Update tomorrow or riot. :P No just kidding, keep your time.

  9. So is this game dead?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Is everything alright with you guys, no rush on the game just the lack of news is concerning.

    1. I agree, It would be nice to hear something at least. After all 2 and a half months is a rather long wait.

  11. Guys seriously.....he doesnt work full time on it. Would you spend all your free time for a hobby? No? So why dont you shut the fuck up and wait? -__-

    1. We have been It's just that two and a half months without a word is a little concerning given all the games that never get finished.

    2. Be thankful he hasnt already stopped on the game months ago because you crybabys are annoying as shit....

    3. Ok that's rather uncalled for. I would ask that you please don't post comments of a hateful manner. All that dose is make people feel like sh**.

    4. Guess what...some special snowflakes here should feel like shit all day.

    5. I don't understand why asking for some news offends you so much. People have been shutting the fuck up and waiting for two and a half months, it's really not that annoying or demanding to ask for some clarification whether or not the game is still being made. That's all people are asking for, making a small reply to them does not take that much time out of your day and will in fact stop making them ask continuously (if it did actually bother them which they have not said anything to suggest that).

    6. You should learn the differences between being offended and telling your opinion. I couldnt care less how you feel about the whole story.

      But feel free to tell me more about it. :S

    7. SirMalo, considering how rudely you've been answering so far, I'd say you're drawing the line between 'offended' and 'telling my opinion' pretty damn thin.
      Just a heads up.

    8. Thin > nonexistent. Have my faked apologies. What else should i say? Talking the same retarded shit about dead games because there wasnt any news for 2 short months? Yeah....leave that to the kids.

    9. Were not saying it's dead, were just wondering why there hasn't been any news for so long. It's a case of hopping for the best but preparing for the worst.

    10. I agree, I was just asking if the game/team was doing alright, Malo seems to just be begging for attention but nothing that can't be ignored, but I do hope we get some news soon any news.

  12. YEah. I thibk the game is dead

    1. What a sad moment for mankind. Dont die now....impatience is curable.

    2. Not so much dead as backed up. S'all good now.
