Monday, February 1, 2016

Slightly More Stable Release

     This one SHOULD be fairly playable...Again, to make this more than a bug fix job, I added in some content to the game as well. This involves a new scene variation with Misaki x Izu [in attempt to correct a mistake I made on the progress post], Misaki's 2nd date scene [Silver AND Misaki x Izuna], and Elliot's first scene conversion for Izuna, his 2nd date. The game file is going to be quite heftier because I went ahead and got all of Elliot's profile parts finished and added into the game. ALL.OF.THEM...

After settling on the design ideas, I am going to work some more on the new npcs. Here are the finalized face shots of Dominic and Gabriel.[EDITED: Gabriel got his hurrrrr did]

I don't know if they look alright or not, I am still suffering from artist-dementia from the constant cycle of redesigning and nitpicking I was putting these two guys through. Well hopefully they look nice, I certainly hope so. Once again, keep me posted on the bugs~!


  1. You don't need to worry about Gabriel's design. I like it a lot. Not gonna weigh in on Dominic's since I have no stake in him, but he does look nice.

    1. I redesigned his hair just because I am nitpicky and a detail was pointed out about the hairline placement. I hope it looks good now.

  2. Red hair looks fine but whitey got his hair drawn a bit too high, it's like hes wearing a wig lol xD

    1. ...So he does!
      Hopefully I tidied that little detail up a bit with the new preview.

    2. Yeah, think we are good now.

    3. Good, good...He does look better now.

  3. Dominic looks good, he has kind of the whole "bad boy" look going for him.

  4. Are 3P dates a thing? I read about it on the wiki but I cant seem to trigger them :/

    1. There are a few, yes. Some of them are...broken due to the npc content wipe we had to do with Vlad, so they might be unstable until further patching. Sorry for that.

  5. Well i would had help finding bugs if the computer memory and hard drive both died leaving me without a computer until march... (i do like the designs of the two)

  6. Nice to sings the pace is picking up again.

    But to be honest, with 3 our of 5 party members being male, I was glad to hear at least 1 would be replaced. Too much sausage.
    Alas, you're now adding two more. (don't bring up gender-bending, it's a boner-killer for me)

    Oh well, you win some, you loose some...

    1. Y'know, I remember making a suggestion to fix that feeling once. I think it went like this:

      What if, before starting the game, we're able to pick everybody's "birth gender"? Like, it wouldn't change the story in any way, except for maybe a few lines here and there, but it would do wonders to the player's perception.

      For example, in a certain playthrough Tomoko would be the genderbend instead of Tenshi. Doesn't change much, but takes away all that "that was a guy" feeling some people get.

    2. Lol, I mean 'Tenshi' would be the genderbend instead of 'Tomoko'.

  7. Seems like the project's going well!
    ... Artist-dementia notwithstanding, I mean.

    New characters look nice, although I'm sure whoever has to make the storyboard must be slamming their heads on the keyboard.

    On a side note, is it just me or is white-hair's (Gabriel, I think) face kinda... swollen, I guess? I mean, his cheek's looking mighty strange for me.

    1. He does have a chubby face, now that you point it out...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Still no way to raise rep that i can find. Also, my game glitched and I never got the collars. Been checking the mail regularly.

    1. Strange collars should be in a box by the front door inside unless the collars for the new characters bugged out

    2. Spring 26, no collars.

    3. There are only a few ways to raise rep right now. You can 'donate' children to be adopted by the farmer and there are a few side quests around town that will increase rep. As for the collars.. no idea..
