Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Introducing: Paws

Hello there! Dis be Paws, and since I'll be dealing with you now, like Nekomama, Paws wanted to introduce herself, chuu! For starters, Paws wanna say that Paws is really happy to finally be allowed to tap onto contact with you all. Paws weren't really able to do so before, but Paws really wanted to, we assure you, chuu!

Now, some of you may be wondering: Who the hell is Paws? Well, all you who thought so are mean. Paws is also a part of the development team! To be exact, Paws designed the new maps, designs monsters, and works as a fountain of ideas, chuu. Paws also helps a little with scripting, but Nekomama handles the hard stuff. Paws was born to be cute overlord of the world, not a scripter, chuu. Besides, you try opening those tuna cans with fingers like mine.

Paws posts will consist probably mostly of map previews, monster design sheets, and some random goodies for you, nice peeps, chuu~! Paws will be also answering your questions and comments too, now! So, Paws hopes you will post lots of those! Paws need some distraction since Paws busted her toys recently  Feel inclined to ask things even here and now, because, Paws answers all comments! Will post pictures sometimes, too!

So, Paws hopes to see you lots!
Love love~


  1. Awwww, Paws is so cute, and its nice to here that we may be getting more info updates on the general progress of the game.

    1. Paws will certainly try to find time for fans, chuu. World domination is a time taking goal to achieve, but fans are important, too.
      Also, thanks much for the compliment. -hands a cookie-
