Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Eye Candy Maps
Paws, part of the Collars dev team, has been working herself to the bone for the past few days with all the map files for the game. Now, I am fairly decent at a few things concerning the game...Mapping is NOT one of these things.
Here are some of the remodeled maps to look at~

Nearly ALL the map files have been enhanced or completely redone to look way better. There have also been some new maps added and even a few sidequests. Paws has done an awesome job on these, so please show your appreciation~
The only set back that might happen is some errors with aligning events or portal connections. I will try to set these up as well as I can to fit each other in the 1.6 release. I am working on adding the 2nd dinner orgy before releasing it.
Monday, December 8, 2014
All Aboard the Feels Train
I just wanted to actually take time out of my day to make this post. I started Collars over a year ago as a second rpg maker project, I was pretty much toying around with making a more sexual game than my first one. Honestly, I didn't expect to actually take the project too far, and for a while I gave up on it. Like most big ideas that I come up with for drawings, comics or other projects...They all end up the same: canceled. Forever put aside as a memory. It took convincing from friends who I let test what little I had at that point to get me to continue. I had thought about posting it to the LOK forums at one point, but brushed it off in the fear that it would just be another dead beta after a while.
The game didn't have much, in any department really...It was just a few conversations, and 2 or 3 sex scenes...I wasn't even sure if anybody would want to play it. Yet, despite my doubts and pessimistic opinions, I posted the first demo on April 25, 2014. I didn't think it was any good compared to other games up there in the non-flash category, but pretty soon I got responses from you guys. You guys actually enjoyed the game, and wanted to see more of it. I was surprised. Why my game, though? I'm sure there are other ones that are better in story, art, scripting....I was just so set back from the positive response from my first release, I was not expecting it. Everyone was helpful, letting me know right away what bugs they had encountered, suggestions for enhancing the game...
You guys really don't know how your feedback has helped the game. Really, if it wasn't for all of it, I might have scrapped Collars a while ago and done something else. Knowing that other players genuinely enjoy the game, it has actually become a bit fun to work on it. You could even say that it has been making me happy to work on it, even though it is a lot of time and work to put into everything. I always see new projects on the forums, good ones. Ones that I liked playing, and got curious about seeing what would be put into the next release....And then ended up abandoned. It really does make me sad, and Collars could have been that way.
I guess what I am really trying to say is that games like these depend on the players. They depend on your reviews, how much you really like the concept and game-play. But more importantly, it's because of you that the developers want to continue making the game. It really gives them a reason to boot everything up and get to work on the next update. Or, at least that's what it does to me...Even though I don't have a massive fan base, I still have a fan base, and that's all it takes for me to wake up and WANT to make progress.
In summary, I would like to say thank you to everyone who played any version of my game. Thank you for giving it a chance, and thank you for helping me get to this point with it.
And I know it's early, and they won't be in the game for a while, but as an earlier X-mas present from Nekomatic:
It's Tomoko and Verdona, in their casual outfits. I will add the ones for Misaki, Elliot and Izu up when they are finished.
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