Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Scavenging through the Fallout

Yes, that is a pun. Yes, I may have spent the whole week before my new job started playing Fallout 4...
I may have no shame or regrets in that. But aside from my 7 day vacation, there are going to be some serious changes being made to the game. Due to some very repetitive and unfortunate occurrences, some dev team members had to be cut recently. This means stripping off a good chunk of content out of the game, including npcs and some plot lines...Annoying? Of course. A huge blow to the game? Oh, definitely. Time consuming? Indeed.


There is a silver lining to the aftermath of such a nuke blast to the game! Several spots are open for new characters, npcs and sub/non-npcs alike, concepts are ready to be freshly developed. This brings me up to my next topic...

I have decided to give you all a rare opportunity to directly alter the game...That's right. You get to pitch ideas for the new character, or even donate one yourself. If this sounds like something you would like to get in on, here is a slot list for the characters:


1-2 SLOTS [Vladimir is definitely getting cut, and possibly Silver as well]


5 SLOTS [Mainly demons, but all areas are open]

The number of slots is a maximum, not necessarily a goal, but what we are really looking for are males, since 1 or 2 of the 3 male npcs are getting nixed. However, as long as we have one male added, the remaining slot can be filled with a female npc if needed.The rules have been transferred to the suggestion box.

Anyways, I think this is a great opportunity to make light of a serious blow to the game while I strip away all the leftover bits. Hopefully I will see some nice suggestions and you guys will have fun with this. Sorry again for the absence, and I am patching the game still so don't lose hope~