Tuesday, March 8, 2016

More Content

      I have been using chunks of my free time to try and finish the new npc files. After finally being satisfied with their final designs, I spent a lot of time making all of their expressions and parts. Then I tested them out in the game. While they aren't quite in there yet, they do have some testers for now...

And then there are the sprite files still being edited and worked on. After these two guys have enough content, Akane and Junko will get some work done~

Then there are some Izu versions of Silvers H scenes being drafted. [Izu x Silver, Izu + Silver x Miko]

And, AND...There might be a possible 2nd scene for the male and futa kitsunes in the making [If I end up liking the sketch enough to finalize it...].  This one will include a more 'copious' finish, maybe some belly stretching in result...

Hopefully I will have at least a basic npc schedule and into for both of these guys in, if not also one level of dialogue, before the next release...